Reflections on COP28: Turning Words into Action for a Sustainable Future

在迪拜忙碌了11天后回来, I have reflected on what COP28 will mean as we enter 2024 and beyond. 我是, 当然, proud of the collective engagement by business and civil society at the conference itself, 但对我来说, 关键的部分是 那么 – i.e., the measurable impact that COP28 will have on the world moving forward.

发表: 2023年12月19日
作者: 彼得不赞美
类型: 洞察力

每年我都这样告诉你 审查缔约方会议的结果 是半满半空的故事吗. 当然, 今年, the main reason for being encouraged is that for the first time, language to “transition away from fossil fuels” is part of the COP28 UAE agreement. The half-empty side is that while the progress is good, 这只是结束的最小开始, and we must ensure that both governments and businesses turn this agreement into real-economy action.

This COP differed from the past 12 editions I had attended before traveling to Dubai. 也许是我们的能量 理事会会议 on 28-29 November, just a day before the opening of the COP. Or perhaps it was the positive start from the COP28 Business and Philanthropy 气候 Forum, 多于1,300 leaders from across the business and philanthropy field meeting for the first time as part of a COP. It felt that, overall, the presence of a business voice of action was much louder than before.

The COP28 Presidency had done a great job designing the rhythm of announcements, with the Loss & 第一天就宣布损坏, 随后是《正规博彩十大网站排名》, 已有140个国家签署了该协议. This continued with the announcement of the Global Decarbonization Alliance (GDA), which contained the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter, 可再生能源增长三倍, 和 Industrial Transition Accelerator (ITA) launch. 此外, the attention on nature 和 food and agriculture system on specific thematic days were amongst the action-oriented highlights.

The second week of the COP was mainly focused on the negotiations between parties on the Global Stocktake in what eventually became the UAE Consensus. All focus on the need to phase out of fossil fuels (supported by more than 100 countries) made the headlines in the media look like a roller-coaster. It shows how complex it is to agree on essential matters within the United Nations, where all parties/countries must agree on every word, 逗号, 和点. Given that complexity, even a half-empty glass can seem full.

WBCSD had a more significant presence than any COP before. We hosted or co-hosted over 50 events during COP28, and our team had many meetings with partners and members. 在很多场合, our Executive Vice President Diane Holdorf was featured on the main stage in the massive Al Waha theatre. 与此同时, Executive Vice President Dominic Waughray held inspiring sessions in the China Pavilion with METI from Japan 和 Indian business community.

Turning the UAE agreement into real-economy action will require two things: a deep focus by businesses on innovation and transformation and a change of incentives coming from the capital markets. To connect these two elements, WBCSD was excited to launch the CEO Guide to the 气候-Related 企业业绩 and Accountability System, created to provide an unlock between the financial system and transformative business innovation at scale. You will hear much more about that in the new year.

当我们进入2024年, I suggest we take the view that the UAE consensus holds enough direction for businesses to focus on a fast scaling of solutions that will deliver 可再生能源增长三倍, 绿氢倍增, 能源效率翻倍, 转向可再生农业, 以及工业活动的脱碳.

It is now up to us to fill the glass with action and hope. 世界将衡量我们的进步.

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