Once in a generation gathering mobilizes water action, highlighting need for stronger accountability system for business

发表: 2023年3月29日
作者: Una Harcinovic, Manager 水, WBCSD
类型: 洞察力

For the first time in nearly 50 years, 联合国召开了一次专门讨论水的会议,吸引了数千人参加. While the UN 水 Conference was not intended to have a negotiated outcome, representatives from member states, 公民社会, business and NGOs made over 700 voluntary commitments to the 水行动议程 旨在加快实现正规博彩十大网站排名目标6和其他与水有关的正规博彩十大网站排名目标的进展. 

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ opening 声明 reflected the urgency of the water crisis: “水 is in deep trouble; we are draining humanities lifeblood through vampiric overconsumption and unsustainable use. And evaporating it through global heating, we have broken the water cycle…”. He continued by emphasizing the importance of governance and finance, 全球水经济委员会(Global Commission on the Economics of 水)选择了这两个主题, in their pre-conference publication Turning the Tide: A Call to Collective Action, which puts forward a seven-point call to collective action, including the need to manage the water cycle as a common good, 停止水价过低,逐步取消每年7000亿美元的农业和水资源补贴. 

Only 12 heads of state were present at the conference, 再加上缺乏任何具有约束力的会议成果,这表明水问题在政治议程上的优先地位仍有一段路要走. 然而, 商界代表出席了许多会议,讨论私营部门关于水行动议程的集体行动. A Joint Statement from the International 水管理 ,以展示支持企业水资源管理活动的多个机构(包括水务署)之间的一致性.  

WBCSD的贡献集中于 accelerating corporate accountability, ambition and action for water 并为会员公司提供了展示其承诺和行动的机会. 

Corporate accountability for freshwater 

而政府制定必要的政策来推动进步的商业行动往往是缓慢的, companies must set ambitious water targets, 以稳健和透明的方式展示进展并披露与水有关的风险和机会.  

为了指导企业适应这一新兴的问责制,WBCSD推出了 Freshwater Accountability Accelerator 在会议之前, 建立指导公司通过这一新兴的水资源问责制度.  

During a side event convened by WBCSD, 世界基准联盟(WBA)分享了他们最近对水资源正规博彩十大网站排名 自然基准, which assessed the performance of over 400 companies. 分析显示,只有13%的公司在运营中设定了减少用水量的时限目标,并进行了报告, only 16% have disclosed their dependency on water-stressed areas, 只有不到5%的人披露了从这些缺水地区取水的比例.  

这突出了淡水问责加速器等工具的重要性, which can help companies take action. 随着今年晚些时候第一个基于科学的目标(SBT)的发布,自然方法和气候变化 Taskforce for 自然-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)建议, both of which include water in their scope, an accountability system for water is starting to emerge. 

Greater ambition for water quality  

在公共政策和企业行动中,水质问题往往比水量问题受到的关注少. For this reason, in 2020, WBCSD launched a new initiative called “Wastewater Zero: A call to action for business to raise ambition for SDG 6.3”.  该倡议强调了未经处理的废水对生物多样性的影响(是生物多样性丧失的主要驱动因素)。, 气候(7-10% of human induced methane emissions come from untreated wastewater) and water security (insufficient reuse and recycling of wastewater).  

在纽约举行的会议上,水务署推出了两个新工具来支持企业在水方面的行动 污水影响指引污水影响评估工具. 在一起, 这些工具将帮助企业评估和确定可采取行动的影响较大的地点,并使它们为即将出台的自然科学技术指南的水质方法做好准备.  

Public-Private partnerships driving local action 

In contrast to the low number of heads of state present, Mayors and local leaders were present at the Conference in high numbers, signaling the urgency for action at a local level. 的 50L家庭联盟宣布加快城市用水创新的举措进入新阶段. This included funding a pilot program in Los Angeles, California to demonstrate water and energy innovations in homes, 以及在战术试点方面的合作,以推动凤凰城的水资源保护和政策更新, 亚利桑那州. Coalition co-chair Kate Gallego, the Mayor of Phoenix, 亚利桑那州 said: “我们很自豪能与50L家庭联盟成员合作,推进为未来做好准备所需的创新, and to partner with other cities to quickly scale emerging solutions.” 

In his closing remarks, Csaba Kőrösi, the President of the General Assembly, reaffirmed the nine outcomes of the conference. 其中包括到2030年需要在国家和全球层面整合水和气候政策,以及开发全球水信息系统以支持水工作, 气候与土地管理. Following calls for action from the Secretary-General, 联合国还承诺建立体制架构,以支持必要的转型, 根据SG, 它将由联合国水问题特使管理,并得到一个独立的科学和实践小组的支持. 


2022年,随着内陆水域被纳入《正规博彩十大网站排名》的最终文本,发生了重大的发展 全球生物多样性框架 (GBF),而水首次被列入《正规博彩十大网站排名》缔约方会议的封面决定.  

的 progress achieved so far is set to continue through this year, 7月的联合国高级别政治论坛和9月的正规博彩十大网站排名目标首脑会议等活动推动了势头和行动.  

展望未来, 下一届联合国水问题首脑会议定于2025年举行,将评估大会和水问题行动议程成果的落实情况. 毫无疑问,我们看到水问题在政治议程上取得了一些进展, 尽管缓慢且不完整. 在这样的背景下, 我们需要确保以科学为基础的目标推动企业行动,并以一致和透明的方式报告进展情况,以增强政府的信心, 民间社会和投资者认为,企业正在为可持续水资源管理做出明确贡献.  

在这一年里, WBCSD will continue to develop the Freshwater Accountability Accelerator, ensuring alignment with emerging frameworks such as SBTs for nature and TNFD. 另外, “零废水”倡议将致力于解决目前未包括在自然淡水方法的SBTs范围内的重要水质组成部分.  

欲了解更多并参与这些倡议,请联系Una Harcinovic harcinovic@freetobeashley.com  

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